Saturday, December 1, 2012

sorry its been awhile..

Not a whole lot of new things have happened. Other then James will be coming home within hours of when I post this!!! Yay, Finally it has been the longest wait. Logan and I are ready to have daddy back. It will be so nice to have my family all together. :) SO SO excited. I cant wait for Logan to see his daddy after 9 months I am hoping that my tears stay inside also the first moment James sees Logan again. He has changed SO much in the last 9 months it isnt even funny. He is saying alot of words, he is so very active just like a little boy should be and He is such a mini James. Everything he does reminds me of his dad. His looks his actions his hyperness... He is very stubborn like his dad. It will be the perfect moment to see them together again.

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