Saturday, December 1, 2012

The last couple of months

This is a Picture of Logan that I took today!!! Isnt he the cutest??/
This is the last day James saw Logan Can you believe it?? What do you think James is going to do?
Logans new big boy Bed. :)
My little Trouble maker! When he sees something he wants he is determined to go and get it!
Told you. He saw cookies, he wanted them, he got them
Just a fun picture of us. Soon we will have daddy in these pictures
Getting into the christmas spirit!!! yay
Logan wasnt sure about this. :)
NO he is not potty trained but at a point you gotta teach him what the potty is. :)

                                                   The beautiful snow in Utah!!!!

                   This is my new hair. :) Pretty blonde. :)                          Logans curly hair!!! Love love love it
             For Halloween Logan was a minion from Despicable me

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