Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hello. :)

So this week we went to the hoogle zoo! Yay that was fun. When we went to the zoo in Az Logan was kinda like, What am i suppose to be looking at??? This time he was more interested in the aniamls moving and he would point to them and go "eh" "eh" over and over again it was cute. He also wanted to join the bears.. Lol

We also had a bridal shower for my soon to be sister in law. It went pretty good. I hope she had fun. We made cute decorations and cute little homemade pies. It was actually quite an eventful day. My parents found out that a water line was broken so while they were trying to figure out that situation. With about 6 other guys over here trying to figure out what they wanted to do. My sister and I made 40 little pies and cute up fruit. It was crazy.

This week I didnt get to talk to James for 5 days and sheesh was that hard or what.. I got through and got to talk to him yesterday so that was nice. But still it was only about 15 min. This deployment is getting easier but then again not really I wish I had my other half here with me. I miss and love him so much. It really hit me today with it being fathers day and all. We have had 2 fathers day since Logan has been born and James hasnt been here for either of them. Which is really sad. He is a such a great dad and we love him so much! Also Happy fathers day to all those who read this. :)

The zoo!

looking at the sea lion

Black bears

Big gorilla

Gotta look cool while we shop right???

Squished face

spread out!

Finally got some pics of James...

And he looks really skinny. :/

I got this stroller awhile ago I just wanted to post a picture because I put it together all by myself! Go Mom. :)

I forgot to mention I just got Logan his bg boy bed last night... He is getting to be so big too fast. But he loved it and slept in it all night.

And moved around alot haha he woke up like this. :)

 Lets see if I can keep up the good work. haha 2 weeks in a row. Enjoy!

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