Monday, August 20, 2012

Random Photos

Here are some pictures of just everyday life and one of james. I do believe he is doing well. :)
Here we are at wheeler farm. Logan did NOT like the goats, sheep or anything that he was able to pet. Lol Maybe he will grow out it. :)

Logan climbs on just about anything and everything we cannot leave a chair out or he will be up on the counter the table or like here my makeup table.

Again here he climbing on a ladder. His papa wanted to see how far up he would go and well he wanted to go to the top

Here is James. I told him before he comes home he needs to throw away those glasses because he wont be walking with me with them on. Lol He just laughed.

I put this picture up because you can see how many teeth logan has at 16 months!! Its crazy! we counted about 18

Wheeler farm again. When he spots water he wants to just splash and splash.. But he doesnt like swimming lessons? Wierd little boy. :)

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